Order Payment Method - Kuickpay
Now pay for your Sentiments Gift Order through KUICKPAY, our billing partner. Simply use internet/mobile banking or ATM machines to make payment. Real-time transaction processing and no payment screenshots required! KUICKPAY is an official partner of 1-LINK.

How to Pay using kuickpay:
- Place order on sentimentsexpress.com
- Sign in to your Bank’s Internet Banking/Mobile App Banking or visit any ATM machine
- Select Bill Payment / Payments and then select ‘kuickpay’ from given categories.
In some bank apps, you may have to click on "Add Beneficiary” and a form will appear. Enter Your Unique Bill/Consumer Number as “82770XXXXXXXXXX” in Bill Number field, enter “Bill Name” as per your convenience and click on next. Make sure to enter Institution ID as prefix (before the order number). In short, please Insert your sentimentsexpress kuickpay consumer number as 82770XXXXXXXXX (82770+ 11 digit Sentiments Order Number)
- Confirm Your Personal Details and proceed to payment. Payment alerts will be received accordingly via email and text message when it has been processed. Your investment will also appear under the History of Investments screen of your banking app account.
- To see the exact payment process of your particular bank, please visit https://app.kuickpay.com/PaymentsBillPayment or check this How to pay guideline http://www.kuickpay.com/How-to-Pay.html
Additional Options
Mobile Wallets: Pay your Sentiments Express order amount using Mobile wallets Like Easypaisa & Jazz Cash.
Pay OTC (over the counter): You can order online and pay in cash at a designated TCS Express Centernear you, details can be found here: http://www.kuickpay.com/OTC.html
List of available banks
Kuickpay payment option is available for the following following banks online services and ATM
- Bank Alfalah
- Meezan Bank
- Askari Bank
- Bank Al Habib
- Allied Bank
- Faysal Bank
- Bank of Punjab
- BankIslami
- National Bank
- Habib Metro Bank
- JS Bank
- Soneri Bank
- Silkbank
- Summit Bank
- Samba Bank
- Dubai Islamic Bank
- MCB Islamic Bank
- NRSP Bank
- First Women Bank
- First Microfinance Bank
- Keenu App
- JazzCash App
- EasyPaisa App
Note: The Unique Merchant ID of TCS Sentiments Express on kuickpay is 82770.