TCS Sentiments offers the following delivery timelines. Please go through these so you can understand when your order will be delivered.
Standard delivery: deliveries made anytime between 9 am to 11 pm, no delivery charges /free delivery.
Same Day Delivery : deliveries are made anytime between 3 pm to 11 pm on the date your order is confirmed and paid
Midnight delivery: Your gifts will be delivered the night of your selected date between 10:00 PM to midnight.
Campaign days delivery: due to high volume of deliveries during major events such as Eid-ul-Fitr or Mother's Day, deliveries are made anytime between 9 am to 11:59 pm
*Note: all timings are as per Pakistan standard time
Delivery locations: We deliver your gifts across all major cities of Pakistan. To ensure we deliver to you city, pleasechoose the cityyou want your gift delivered to. You will see the list of all products available in your city